

Hello everyone,
How are you doing? I hope you're doing well.
I'd like to write about KOOZA and WHALES. First, I went to see the KOOZA by Cirque Do Soleil in Seattle last week. This is like a circus. Actually, I've seen three times. When I went to Las Vegas, I saw one of them, whose hall was huge, but KOOZA's hall is smaller than that in Las Vegas. My seat was middle of hall and it was good for me. Performer and audience were very close, so I was excited more than before. There were many kinds of thing show like magic,circus, and pierrot. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to explain it. However, the story was taking slaptick various humors in abundance and everything was wonderful performance. In addition, pierrot's perform was very interesting and suprising me several times. I recommend you Cirque Du Soleil's show. I'll attach that HP link below if you're interested it.

Next, I went to San Juan Island to see whales yesterday. In the morning, it was bad weather because of much crowd and cool. However, I was lucky it became nice weather when I arrived at San Juan Island, so I could see whales under sunshine. It was difficult to look for Orcas because they were far from our ship. But I could see many times and a lot of Orcas. I’ve heard we were lucky we could see so much Orca from the crew of the ship. Actually, I spent it for two hours, and I was satisfied it, and I also had fun. Unfortunately, I couldn’t see whales closer like a Sea World. However, I could see wild Orca in this time. Also, there were many kinds of wild animals and birds, Sea Lion, Bald Eagle, etc. around San Juan Island area. I hope when you have a chance would you see both it. I had really glad and great times these days.
Thank you.