
What Do You Like?

Hello everyone,
How are you doing? I hope you’re doing well.
I'd like to write about Foodservice Show in Seattle last week. I've never been there. Have you ever been to Foodservice Show? Those were many kinds of international foods. There were chocolates, breads, cakes, wine, beer, café, clam chowder, ice cream, and pasta.etc. Also, there were kitchen and restaurant articles, and there were very famous shops, like Costco and Ivar’s. Of course, there was a tempura that Japanese people love. Do you know that? People came together in a crowd, and everyone had many kind of foods to try it, and me too. Actually, my stomach was very full when I went out there, but I was very satisfied and enjoyed very much. When you have chance next time, you should go there. You will be able surely to enjoy it!!
By the way…There was a very interesting thing, too. That’s a massage place. Do you know why? I guess… because the hall is very wide, so everyone walks and eats a lot, and it is so tiring. What do you think?
Thank you.

4 件のコメント:

  1. Taka,

    your blog is very well written! I have never been to the Foodservice event before. What was your favorite dish that you tried? Would you go to the event again?

    How have your English classes been going? I hope that you are enjoying Mark, he is a great teacher!


  2. Hi Brittani,

    Thank you for commenting.Yes! My favorite dish were a lot. Especially,of course, it's chocolate! I love chocolate.Moreover, the smoked salmon was also delicious. I have the chance again and I want to go.

    I think so. Mark is a very wonderful teacher.
    And, we are enjoying his class very much.
    How about your teaching class in high school?

  3. Hi,Taka.

    Amazing!!I've never been there. It looks so great.
    How much does the foodservice show event?

  4. If you buy the ticket before the Foodservice show, you are free. However,it depends on the situation. There are Foodservice Show in many places. I heard that it's not free in other states.
